Walk On Days
The largest regular walk on “DOMINATION”
Walk On Days
Here at Unreal Paintball you, your friends and your guns are all welcome to Domination. Our games last an hour and include re-spawning to give you maximum playing time. With camping the night before, BBQ, Lunch, Air and CO2 fills, very cheap paint and a whole lot of paintball. We hope to see you there.
Most of our players at domination know what they are doing. Bear in mind, this is not for the faint-hearted.
Domination sees a mix of woodland, tournament and recreational players, so if you think you’re up to the challenge or you are someone without fear looking for a fun day out – look no further.
Most of our players bring their own high end guns and equipment. If you need to rent gear we can provide you with a Tippmann 98, mask, overalls and battle pack to see you through the day. There will be a small charge for renting the equipment. This only applies to domination. (due to the nature of how the game is run). On standard bookings use of equipment is free of charge. Our upgrades are available at the normal charge, and for just 10 book it quickly if you want it. The extra fire power will be a definite help in the game.
Each game will last for a total of 1 hour. The start and end of the game will be sounded by a long 10 second burst by an air horn. Each time a team scores, a short 2 second burst from the air horns will let players know a point has been scored. Unreal Domination will consist of 2 Domination Point’s. In order to score, you must ‘capture’ each Domination Point and hold it. There must be a least one active (live) player in the domination point to hold it. Once both domination points are held by the same team, that team will score 100 points. After scoring, the Domination Points are reset to neutral and will become available to Dominate again after 5 minutes.
When a player is shot he / she must return to their team’s spawn point. The player will be allowed back into the game by one of the Unreal marshals after a quick check for paint. Any player caught cheating i.e. found with paint on them without their gun in the air and making their way back to a spawn point will cause their team to suffer a 50 point penalty. Penalty points are to the Unreal Marshal’s discretion and are final. No discussion will be entered into, groveling or otherwise.